Media Studies

Emma Fraser


Office Hours

Check back for fall 2024 office hours.

Emma Fraser is an Assistant Teaching Professor in Media Studies and the Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM), teaching digital media methods, digital storytelling, game studies, and new media theory and practice to graduate and undergraduate students.

Emma’s research considers digital culture, space and place, modern ruins, and visual media in relation to urban experience and the writings of Walter Benjamin and the Frankfurt School. Emma also researches and writes about games and play across sociology, geography, game studies and media and cultural theory.

Courses Taught

Media Studies
MEDIAST 132: Researching Digital Media: Methods and Methodologies
MEDIAST 190: Special Topics in Media Studies: Digital Storytelling: Crisis, Catastrophe and Speculative Futures
MEDIAST 190: Special Topics in Media Studies: Video Games and Playful Media

Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM)*
NWMEDIA 200: History and Theory of New Media
NWMEDIA 201: Questioning New Media
NWMEDIA 290: Special Topics in New Media: Digital Storytelling
NWMEDIA 290: Special Topics in New Media: New Media Cities
NWMEDIA 290: Special Topics in New Media: Queering Digital Culture

* BCNM courses may be available to Media Studies students on request.

Special Projects

Undergraduate Research and Apprentice Program (URAP) Fall 2023: OSKI Tech (Open Skills and Knowledge Initiative) Digital Media Project


Ready player fun: Students navigate retro gaming gauntlet at UC Berkeley Library (Library News – October 9, 2023)

picture of Professor Emma Fraser
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